Cooking brats is an exciting idea because of its awesome taste!! But we always do not find time to grill and enjoy brats. So, we need to find some best alternative solutions to grilling brats’ method. Cooking brats in pan is one of those best methods to cook brats in no time and at the place where grilling is not possible. Therefore, why to miss out enjoying tasty brats when there is no grill around you!

You know what, most bratwurst making chefs cannot realize the taste difference between the grilled and pan fried brats when they are blind folded. So, believe me! You will enjoy the same taste as grilled brats even when you pan cook them.
Generally, people believe that grilled brats are tastier than any other different method of cooked brats. But addition of cooking brats in the oven and in the pan methods to your cooking arsenal is a great idea. A good brat maker can prepare best bratwurst recipes any time and any place using various stuff like stove, grill, oven, pan, etc.
How to pick a right uncooked brat?
Firstly, it is important to learn how to pick a best and right uncooked brat to enjoy delicious outcome from it.
Klement’s, Usinger’s, and Kewauskum are the best brat suppliers in the Midwest. But you cannot find their tastier brats out of Midwest.

If you want find best brats locally, then visit your local grocery store or butcher’s shop where you can get best meat. Do not feel shy to prepare your customised bratwursts with your own sausages and other ingredients. Because most of the grocery and butcher’s shop maintain separate meat counter and special equipment to prepare tasty brats.
If you have fresh uncooked brats, good grinder, and sausage stuffer, then you are good to go to make tasty brats at your own comfort. Homemade brats are always delightful and preferred by everyone.
And if you want to buy brats online, you can browse, the best place to find delicious brats.
Cooking Bratwursts in a Pan-Simple Method
We can cook delicious bratwursts in a pan in many different methods. All these methods are based on a simple notion i.e. ‘cooking raw brats on the pan on medium heat until they turn brown’.
To make the brats brown and moist, people generally use olive oil. Olive oil is taken in a bowl and pour it over the raw brats, which is the actual process people follow to cook brats on the pan until brown.
In some areas, people prefer to add some amount of beer over the brats which is known as Beer method. In this method, put your raw bratwursts on the pan and drizzle good amount of beer over them such that lowest side of the brats also covered with beer and gets fried nicely. Adjust the heat to keep the brats nicely fried otherwise they may get burn up from the bottom side. So, it is better to cook brats on the pan at low simmer. At the last, you can add up olive oil to make the brats crispy.
Actually, an uncooked brat takes 15-20 minutes to brown up nicely. And a pre-cooked brat takes 10 minutes to cook plus it is important flip the brats either side to brown them up well. So, you can fix the cooking time based on the type of brat you are using i.e. raw or pre-cooked etc. Make sure to maintain the temperature inside the oven at 160F-170F to get awesome brats. That’s it! Tasty bratwursts are ready to serve with stone ground mustard.